July 2008
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Butch on Safari – bags Chipmonk … almost!

A beautiful evening was thrust upon us yesterday, so a later than usual, once a week, lawn mowing was in order. Butch took his natural position in the yard waiting for me to “get it together” and get the mower out.

(Click on pics for better look!)

As I meandered into the back yard with Butch in a [...]

Shots … not the kind you drink, either!

Seems like any time I take Butch to the vet anymore, he comes back with more problems that he went in with. This is not a reflection on our vet, Dave is a great vet and really knows a lot about Boston terriers. The issue is Butch himself. He does [...]

Happy Birthday Butch and Honors at the New York Book Festival!

Well, on Sunday July 13th Butch turned four years old (that’s 28 to you and me). We celebrated  a nice bright sunny day, a trip to the pet store and the lake, as well as a nice juicy steak for dinner. Yes, Butch had his own sirloin steak for his birthday dinner. Although he eats [...]

July Pet Tip of the Month – The Heat of Course!

 This time of year the heat is the big issue for dogs. Especially very active dogs, and heat stroke in pets is one of the biggest killers during our summer months. Can you imagine wearing a fur coat in this heat. It was 90 degrees here today. I’m not complaining about it because I love it. Even Butch [...]

Butch Visits Bar Harbor Maine!

First, just so you know, you can click on any of the pictures to get a bigger view. OK, now … we made Butch’s first long trip last week and it couldn’t have been to a better place! I don’t think that there is a more dog friendly place on the planet than Bar Harbor Maine. [...]