September 2008
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September Already?

Well it seems that the more I try to settle down a bit and relax, the more ”life” just seems to get in the way!  Busier than ever and falling back into the “rat race” that I wrote about in the book, Butch was beginning to lose his patience with me. I’m sure it’s like this for many people these days. Still feeling a bit guilty and like I was neglecting Butch, last Sunday I figured that enough was enough so we both jumped, literally, into the truck and took a little road trip to Atwood lake in NE Ohio. (Click on pics to enlarge!)

Atwood Lake Butch, naturally, has to get his mug into the picture. Butch at Atwood

Atwood is always a peaceful getaway for us and with the summer weather beginning to yield to 45 and 50 degree nights, there will not be many pleasant days left before the snow begins to fly again. Taking a stroll around the lodge area, which is a very nice hotel, we stopped in for a quick visit to check out their pet policy.

Butch at lodge

Unfortunately, they have a “no pets” policy so if you are going there for a weekend getaway leave Fido at home. Not alone of course, be he can’t come along! I really can’t blame them, they have poured millions into a full scale renovation of the facility over the last 6 years or so and the place is really fantastic. It is worth a visit if you are in the area.

So then it was off to the boat launch ramp so Butch can scope out the locals! A short leisurely drive to the dam on the other side of the lake and Butch was ready to go, heading straight for the boat dock as soon as we got out!

Butch on Dock He really loves the water but I was not prepared for a dip so we just settled for a walk around the shore and a few pictures.butch profile atwoodButch on leash at Atwood

 As we were walking, it just figures, the clouds began to roll in as a storm approached. The typical, late afternoon, summer storm was on it’s way and with Butch’s aversion to thunder I knew we had better head back to the truck or Butch will turn into a quivering ball of nerves. Butch on Shore

So now it was off to the truck and back home we went, just missing the rain that cut our Sunday adventure short. I’m sure we will do a few more of these trips while trying to hold on to the nice weather just a bit longer, but I know Butch is anxious to continue writing his rebuttal to my book. Butch prefers to do his writing during the winter months while I’m at work! That is unless he gets side tracked with his internet shopping and poker playing!

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