October 2009
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Show #59 – Johnny “O” of National Geographic’s Rescue Ink – Kathryn Kirk Handler of “RUFUS” 2009 National Dog Show Canine Ambassador – Bull Terrier Rescue of Tampa Bay – National Dog Show Update – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic “Pet Dentistry!”

We really had a lot to cover this week so the show ran over our usual one hour spot. Also you’ll notice that, thanks to the great David Tyler in Montreal Canada, we now have our new radio imaging playing which includes the new My Buddy Butch Radio Show Intro and ending and introductions to the various segments. You [...]

Show #58 – Barbara Bishop Owner of “RUFUS” Champion and 2009 National Dog Show Canine Ambassador – Bull Terrier Rescue – National Dog Show Update – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic!


Rufus – "The King"

Barbara Bishop was kind enough to join us this week and tell us what Rufus has been up to in his retirement years from the show circuit. Rufus was the 2005 National Dog Show Winner and the 2006 Westminster winner just a [...]

Show #57 – Edward Grinnan Editor-In-Chief of Guideposts Magazine – Geauga Humane Society – National Dog Show Update – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic!


Edward Grinnan Editor-in-Chief and VP of Guideposts (with Millie!)

Guideposts Magazine has been around longer than I have been alive and is an American Staple. I can remember seeing Guideposts sitting on the counter while growing up or on a table at my grandparents house! It was an honor to speak with [...]

Artist Janet Priborsky “Unleashes” New Web Site!

My very good friend Janet Priborsky finally has her own web site! I’m very excited about this because she is by far one of the best pencil artists I have ever seen. Her eye for detail and color will stagger your mind. She is truly gifted and I really wanted to share this with you! [...]

Show #56 – National Dog Show Announcement, Denise Fleck of Sunnydogink and Burbank Animal Shelter, Dr. Jeannie Thomason With The Weekly Vet Topic!

Wow! What a week. Seems like everything was just out of control for everyone I talked to. Rushing around, car problems, roof leaks…but the show must go on! I had a great opportunity to talk about some upcoming events, catch up on some news, and make a great announcement!

Thanksgiving Day on NBC

We [...]