February 2010
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It’s about this time of year when me and Butch have just about had it with staying in the house every day. Since Butch can’t change his permanent Tuxedo and wants to shread every coat I’ve tried to put on him he prefers to romp in the snow ~a naturale. Butch stands about 13 inches at the shoulder… It took me two and a half hours to dig out…well, 2 hours to dig out and a half an hour to cut a maze around the house with the snow blower for Butch to run through and find some treats at the end of a couple dead ends! Why, you ask did I cut the maze? Because Butch needs a place to “Go” and grass is what he is looking for, so I just run the snow blower over the yard and patio and let him go. When it snows again over these areas I usually hit what I think is ice until I see the brown marks on my cedar fence. You think monkeys can throw their waste, Honda does it better! HA!

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