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My Buddy Butch Show 10-22-2011



Hour 1 – We are heading into “Televised” Dog Show season in November and to kick things off Jeff talks with David Frei who is the well known voice of the National Dog Show Presented by Purina on Thanksgiving Day on NBC right after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parage. David is also the host of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show that is also on TV. Now, It just happens that David has a new book coming out where he writes about many of his encounters that he has had as a founder/member of the Angel on a Leash Foundation. Certified Animal Behavior Consultant and regular contributor to the My Buddy Butch Show, Darlene Arden joins Jeff to talk about the “Loyalty Factor” in pets. Stemming from the movie “HACHI” that Jeff started to discuss last week, Darlene lends some insight to the human animals bond…Think cats are loners? Well think again!. News And Announcements. IAMS home for the holidays is starting again see how you can help on Facebook.

Hour 2 – Have you ever heard of the “American Heartworm Society?” Well they have been around since the 70’s and suprisingly many people…even in the pet industry, have not heard of them. Jeff was honored to speak with Dr. Shelly Rubin who was a President of the society that is helping the veterinary industry and educating pet owners on this highly preventable disease but difficult to treat once your pet contracts it. Do you know why it is important to give your pet the preventative year around? Well, Dr. Shelly Rubin tells us why and also clues us in on the other things that the preventative helps…well…prevent! Oh Yeah, by the way Dr. Shelly was also Oprah’s Vet before she moved to California to start her network OWN! Also Jeff discusses some halloween reminders about what your pets should NOT be eating. DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING as far as giving your pet new “TREATS” you don’t want a sick pet on top of a house full of people!
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