I’m so PO’d (”pissed off” for our older readers!) that I could chew a bucket of nails. Yes nails. Roofing nails, deck nails, and even the big, thick, 2 inch framing nails! I waited and planned all week for the nice HOT, sunny weather that was forcast all week for Ohio. I even planned a 1/2 [...]
Ah, Yes, spring has sprung! Not only are we enjoying it, but all of the wild life is also, as I can plainly SMELL! As the evenings are getting warmer the windows are inevitably opened during the night for a cool breeze and restful sleep. That is until awakened by that familiar “tire fire” smell that [...]
Oh, The Horror! The pain! The anguish…
My dead evergreen bushes! Rough winter, I think not. This, as many of you seasoned dog owners out there can tell, is Butch’s handy work! Having a lengthly discussion with Butch about this he brought a few good points forth in his defense. He told me that last summer [...]
Hi! This is Butch just checking in. It’s finally sunny outside and Jeff is on that lousey big green machine of his. He rides around and around in circles for what seems like endless hours. I think he calls it “mowing the lawn,” or something like that. Frankly, I don’t see the attraction. Don’t get [...]
Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms around the USA! Sorry for my absence these past few days but we had some rather disturbing news about my Dad. We found out that he had an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Well, it was quite a shock getting this kind of news especially at this time of year. With Mom’s [...]