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My Buddy Butch Show 3-3-2012



PennVet_blog_WDCHour 1- Dr. Cindy Otto is an Associate Professor of Critical Care at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Veterinary Medicine. She is part of a great program that they have in operation there called the “PENN VET WORKING DOG CENTER” and she joins Jeff to talk about the history and future of this program. They Serve as a consortium to unite programs that employ detection dogs to benefit society throughout the US and around the world. Collect and analyzes genetic, behavioral and physical data; and integrates the latest scientific information in order to optimize the success and well-being of detection dogs. Prepare for future demands and facilitate research by developing a detection dog breeding/training program that will implement, test, and disseminate the knowledge gained. Dr. Patrick Mahaney, our vet to the stars also joins Jeff and as an Alumni Of The University of Pennsylvania (not Penn State), he weighs in on the program and actually he was a student of hers a few years ago! News and announcements.

Hour 2 – BIGFOOT? Do you believe in BIGFOOT, YETI, SASQUATCH, or the Abominable Snowman? Yes? No? Have you ever seen one? Well, just because you haven’t seen one doesn’t mean they don’tfindingbigfoot exist and Jeff feels that just because he hasn’t seen one, who is he to doubt those who say they have! ANimal Planet has a great series called “Finding Bigfoot.” Dan Waller of the Southestern Ohio Society of Bigfoot Investigators joins Jeff to talk about this elusive, some say, mythical creature that continues to provoke the imagination of millions of people around the world. What would you do if you saw a Bigfoot in your yard? They not only hangout in the forest but have been spotted in cities also! Want a reason to take a nature walk in the woods with the family? Look for Bigfoot but don’t tell anyone if you find him because he’ll probably end up in a zoo! News and announcements.

My Buddy Butch Show 2-25-2012



Hour 1 – Scott Hunt is co-owner of “Practical Preppers” which is a company that specializes in determining how preparred an individual is in the event of a disaster. Scott was one of the experts that provided his extensive knowledge for the National Geographic Channel’s show “Doomsday Preppers.” This is becoming quite the topic these days and Scott tells Jeff about some of the people he has talked to about this subject. Shame on us if we don’t start getting prepared and something bad hits. Jeff talks about a recent cooking project in trying to cook dinner for Butch from groceries bought on his regular weekly trip. He also gives an easy to make recipe and suprizingly enough Butch actually LOVED IT! With the recalls on jerky made in China Jeff also ventured once again into the jerky realm and tells you how to do it with some things in your kitchen and your oven. News and announcements.


Hour 2 – Dr. Patrick Mahaney of California Pet Acupuncture and Wellness, our “Vet to the Stars” in Hollywood joins Jeff to talk about his trip to the Westminster Dog Show in New York. Every year there seems to be something new going on and since Jeff could not make the trip this year for their annual breakfast meeting, Dr. Patrick carried the mantle of reporting his findings. Naturally the 6 newly introduced breeds were a big hit and Dr. Patrick was able to attend some of the additional functions, even the ….fashion show? Also, during the period where Butch was in peril the past month Jeff had the opportunity to talk with one of Butch’s Veterinarians Dr. Troy Larson in detail about some of the traveling that he has done over the years and his most recent mission trip to Brazil. Dr. Troy, along with his Church group, travel around the world on mission trips helping children and people from all walks of life. Dr. Troy Larson and Dr. David Soehnlen of Soehnlen’s Veterinary Clinic are the two people responsible for literally saving Butch’s life as Jeff really thought he was going to have to put him down! News and Announcements.

My Buddy Butch Show 2-18-2012


natgeoHour 1 – Dean Potter is one of the world’s most renowned rock climbers, adventurers, and nature enthusiasts who leaps off of cliffs and mountains while wearing a special “wingsuit” that enables him to soar like a bird before deploying a parachute to land. Now, Dean’s latest adventure, leaping off of Canada’s Mount Butte, a 9000 foot granite wall on the Pacific coast…after climbing it of course, and National Geographic Channel’s Explorer has covered it all. Dean joins Jeff to talk about this adventure and what he had to do to prepare for it. Also Dr. Patrick Mahaney joins Jeff to talk about a severely abused Pittbull and how it was nursed back to health but the story does not stop there! Now entities are fighting over the Intellectual property rights of the dog…where does the greed end UNBELIEVABLE! Also product review of Earth Heart Inc.’s “Canine Calm.”

Hour 2 – The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show was this past week on Monday and Tuesday. Cindy Vogels was chosen to be the “Best in Show” judge for this historic event and Jeff had the chance to speak to Cindy about this honor and her background at the annual press conference call. TV host and friend of the My Buddy Butch Show David Frei also attended the call and Jeff had the opportunity to speak with him also and stirred up an unintended hornet’s nest! Jeff gives a rundown on the finalists, the AKC definition of the seven groups, and a congrats to the winner!

My Buddy Butch Show 2-11-2012



Don’t forget to “Like” MBB Radio on Facebook for your chance to win the Disney DVD Treasure Buddies! Our First Winner was Janet Darrah of Massillon Ohio!

This week – Hour 1 – Ever Heard of “Dogtor J?” Well his name is Dr. John B Symes and he is a well known Veterinarian from Alabama that has done extensive research on some of the causes of seizures in pets. Now Butch has been doing pretty well over the last couple of weeks since his seizure episode, so Jeff have been doing more research on what to be feeding him on a more natural diet. He wants to be sure that he is getting all of the right things in his diet and start doing away with the bad! From over ten years of medical and nutritional research Dr. John B. Symes or “Dogtor J” developed “The G.A.R.D.” an elimination diet for the treatment of most conditions afflicting man and his four-legged companions. Dogtor J joins Jeff to talk about how he came up with this diet, what he recommends feeding out Cats and Dogs, and answers Jeff’s big question, “If I prepare food for Butch on my own how can I be sure he is getting what he needs?” You’ll be surprised to know those folks who are feeding table scraps are not too far from the right answer as long as there is not too much sodium (salt) or things they shouldn’t be eating like onion/garlic, grapes raisins …the usual suspects. News and Announcements Killer Whales are sueing SeaWorld and The Pakistanis land a 40 foot long shark!

Hour 2 – National Geographic has a new 10 part series called “Doomsday Preppers.” Now you might think that this is a crazy thing for people to be getting ready for the end of the world and Jeff has even joked about not scheduling any meetings past December 21st because of the end of the Mayan calendar but what is YOUR definition of “Doomsday?” Are you prepared for a major Flood in your city? How about a Hurricane like Katrina or a tornado that rips through destroying your city. How about a power outage that lasts for days or weeks. Well these are all things that can happen, they are not funny nor is it Crazy to be prepared for them. Tim Reynolds talks with Jeff about Doomsday Prepping and also about a great invention that he came up with called the “Crovel.” Dr. Patrick Mahaney our Vet to the Stars in Hollywood checks in with Jeff to catch up on some of the things he has been up to and discusses the mid-winter safety tips for pets. News and Announcements – Westminster Dog Show is this week and Chicken Jerky from China is back in the news again…

Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Newsletter “The Chronicle.” You can catch All our tweets at Twitter! don’t forget to check out our MBB RADIO Facebook page. Become a friend of the show! We would love to have you with us. go to our Archive page to download mp3, Apple itunes, or zune versions of all of our shows!




Throughout the month of January and part of February, Disney will be posting a series of dog training videos right here on MBBRadio Web Site, on our Aftershow Blog and on You Tube at www.youtube.com/DisneyMovies.


Each of the Buddies, along with April Mackin, a trainer at Birds & Animals Unlimited, the company that has trained the Buddies on several of their films, will be featured in the series. Make sure to check the site each week for tips on dog training and examples of how the trainers prepare the Buddies to perform on set!

My Buddy Butch Show 2-4-2012



“Like” us on Facebook For your Chance to win a DVD of Disney’s “TREASURE BUDDIES” this week!

This week – Hour 1 – There are few things more unsettling than watching your pet have a seizure. The sudden fall to the side and subsequent involuntary muscle contractions along with the jaw muscles relaxing and contracting and the loss of bladder function are all a part of it and Jeff learned this the hard way. Jeff talks about this recent experience with Butch and some of the signs that things were “not quite right” with Butch for a few weeks prior to his seizures. The investigation continues as to what “triggered” these seizures in Butch as he has always been very healthy and in tip top shape. Jeff talks about what to do if you see your pet have a seizure, a couple of things that cause seizures such as Epilepsy and Brain tumors as well as Butch’s current situation. There are some good resources on-line and Jeff will talk about the ones that he ran across while researching this issue. It is important to know how to recognize a seizure so that if it happens to your pet you will know what to do and not panic yourself.

Hour 2 – Dr. Dawn Marcus M.D.is a board certified neurologist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh. She has written many professional papers and books such as “Fit As Fido” and “The Power of Wagging Tails” documenting how dogs help humans in a variety of ways. With Butch’s recent seizure incident fresh in our minds, Jeff talks with Dr. Dawn to discuss seizures in HUMANS, some of the causes, what to do if you see someone having a seizure, and what some of the treatments are. You know, we all have a seizure “threshold” and there are certain things that can trigger them. People can have seizures at any age, even if they were healthy so just like CPR it pays to know what to do in the event of a seizure. Knowing what you are dealing with will help you stay calm and take direct steps to help. We are glad to have Dr. Dawn Marcus as a new regular contributor to the My Buddy Butch show! News and announcements.

Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Newsletter “The Chronicle.” You can catch All our tweets at Twitter! don’t forget toLike us on our MBB RADIO Facebook page. Become a friend of the show! We would love to have you with us. go to our Archive page to download mp3, Apple itunes, or zune versions of all of our shows!