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My Buddy Butch Show 10-8-2011



 natgeoThis week – Hour 1: Rocket City Rednecks is a new show on National Geographic Channel about an unlikely cast of good southern folks from Huntsville Alabama. These are not just any good southern folks, these guys are very highly educated individuals that just happen to be Phds in Physics, Engineers, and highly skilled craftsmen that make things to solve practical problems. Yeah, they like to have a few “adult beverages” (Like Jeff does when mowing the lawn!) and they might talk with a southern drawal, but make no mistake, these guys are among the smartest in the country! Tom Taylor joins Jeff to talk about the show and some of their great projects…they even get the kids involved!darleneardentoydogs Darlene Arden is a certified Animal Behavior Consultant, Award Winning Author, lecturer, and joins us to talk about the plight of Toy Dogs…They are NOT toys and they are NOT accessories! We are so happy to have Darlene join us as a regular contributor on the My Buddy Butch Show, we and you will learn a lot from her! “HACHI” no I did not sneeze, the movie HACHI that premiered on the Hallmark Channel is now on Show Time. Jeff talks about the film and the true story of the Akita that it’s based on. It’s now out on DVD and is a great film for the whole family!


Hour2: Ever Heard of Snout Stik? Debbie Guardian of Opie & Dixie joins Jeff to talk about this brand new all snoutstknatural product for your pet that will showing up on Pet Store Shelves soon! It comes in a nice “Chap-stick” like dispenser and it might even do you some good if you mistake it and use it on YOUR lips! Being all natural it surely won’t hurt you! Also, Mike Bridge Joins Jeff to talk about Parrot Hope Rescue in Mantuaparrothope Ohio. Did you know that parrots can live up to 80 to 100 years. It’s no wonder that these poor birds are in need of rescue as they outlive their owners in most cases. Mike give us a rundown on their current situation, how you can help, and even some of the costs associated with having a bird in your home. News and announcements.

Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Newsletter “The Chronicle.” You can catch All our tweets at Twitter! don’t forget to check out our MBB RADIO Facebook page. Become a friend of the show! We would love to have you with us. go to our Archive page to download mp3, Apple itunes, or zune versions of all of our shows!


My Buddy Butch Show 10-1-2011



Dr. Donna Spector and "Morgan"

Dr. Donna Spector and "Morgan"

Hour 1 – Dr. Donna Spector, consulting veterinarian and nutritionalist of SPECTORDVM.COM in Chicago joins Jeff to talk about a new revolutionary cat food that treats a condition known as “hypothyroidism” which is a relatively common ailment in cats. Hills pet food released this new food and this will really help out cat owners whose furry feline suffers from this issue. Jeff discusses his trip to the 2011

United Kennel Club

United Kennel Club

 World Coon Hound Championships held in Ohio by the UKC. Now, naturally Coon Hounds are hunting dogs but they can also make great family pets if you have the space for them to do what they love to do HUNT! They wouldn’t make a good city dog in the concrete jungle but a home with a good size lawn would be great for them. Jeff interviews the winner of the conformation and one of the judges of this fun event. Jeff also talks more about the UKC and gives their “Top 10 Breeds” list which includes the “American Pit Bull Terrier”…interesting and we’re glad to see their recognition of this much maligned dog. News and announcements.


Hour 2 – Best Selling Author Joe Camp who wrote Soul of a Horse and Soul of a Horse Blogged announces soulofahorsejoecampthe release of his new ebook series that he call “E-Nuggets.” Joe expands on the topics that have been most asked about regarding his extensive research on horses. These are even available for your smart phone so if you love horses , know someone who has one, or would just like to know more about them check out these great ebooks nuggets. Well, Butch is up to his old tricks again…caught another squirrel and yes he did eat it. Our Veterinary naturopath Dr. Kim Bloomer joins Jeff to talk about this in detail and why it’s no big deal…or is it? The rest of the UKC 2011 Coon Hound Championship interviews and some news and announcements. The Texas farmers are in need of our help…have any extra hay? Well, plenty of farmers do and are rushing to help them.
Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Newsletter “The Chronicle.” You can catch All our tweets at Twitter! don’t forget to check out our MBB RADIO Facebook page. Become a friend of the show! We would love to have you with us. go to our Archive page to download mp3, Apple itunes, or zune versions of all of our shows!



My Buddy Butch Show 9-24-2011



womeninpetindustryThis week – Hour 1: With the economy still in a rut and many people not being able to find jobs, many are starting their own businesses. Debby Lenning, President of Women in the Pet Industry Association joins Jeff to talk about what they are doing to help get businesses started in the pet world. With over 200 companies joining just this year alone, the pet business shows no signs of slowing down and they can help you make important connections. Dr. Patrick Mahaney joins us to talk about a disaster preparrdness checklist. Did you know that people, children, and pets ALL swallow small items? REALLY? Things not meant to be swallowed can be bad but small disc batteries are among those things that are swallowed that can cause serious life long damage and can even be fatal to children and pets. Listen in for information and a web site you can view to see more about this and how it happens.
Hour2: Have you ever misinterpreted an email or a social media message? Me Neither…What…are you kidding me!?! EVERYONE has misinterpreted an electronic message of some kind at one time or another.

"An Animals Best Friend!"

"An Animals Best Friend!"

 Dr. Kim Bloomer joins us to talk about the danger of this when communicating with someone about, most specifically, your pet’s health. Be careful (and objective) when reading something on-line! Denise Fleck of sunnydogink.com is the president of the Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter and is here to talk about some upcoming events and what they are up to. 2011 Coon Hound World Championships are being held this week. News and announcements – new website helps you track rescues and which ones you want to donate to and there is a great on-line dating service for “Farmers Only!” Don’t laugh..think about it…farmers do not have the opportunity to meet people like most do. This is a great idea and great for farmers who work during every waking hour! They need love too!
Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Newsletter “The Chronicle.” You can catch All our tweets at Twitter! don’t forget to check out our MBB RADIO Facebook page. Become a friend of the show! We would love to have you with us. go to our Archive page to download mp3, Apple itunes, or zune versions of all of our shows!

My Buddy Butch Show 9-17-2011




NY Times Best Seller

NY Times Best Seller

This week – Hour 1: This week Jeff talks to Senior Editor of Sports Illustrated Jim Gorant about his New York Times Best Seller “The Lost Dogs – The Michael Vick Dogs – A tale of Rescue and Redemption” This is an outstanding book written by someone who knows how to do it! The story is about the Michael Vick Dog Fighting incident and now that Vick has signed a $40 Million deal, many people are seriously angry about it. Jim, a serious dog lover, gives us a little perspective on the subject. This is not something that is going to go away any time soon… Stay tuned. Cassie of “OSCAR” One Step Closer Animal Rescue in New Jersey joins us for the Rescue of the week segment to talk about Hurricane Irene and how lucky they were to get through it and some of the activities they have going on for fund raising and adoption. Heard of the United Kennel Club? This club registers breeds in all 50 states and 26 countries! Listen in to find out more about them and a great event that Jeff (and maybe Butch will be attending.

Hour2: Pet Expert and safety advocate Denise Fleck of Sunnydogink.com joins Jeff to catch up on some things you may want to consider now that the kids are back in school. Fido probably doesn’t have much to do but sit around and wait for them to come home so there are some things you can do to help pass the time and brush up on some skills…for both of you! Dr. Patrick Mahaney , our Vet to the Stars, Joins us for the Vet Topic of the week – “University study finds that second hand smoke is found to produce tumors in pets.” You have to hear this one and if you smoke…if you don’t quit, at least go outside. Your pet has no choice but to breath in your smoke if you fill the whole house with it! News and Announcements.

Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Newsletter “The Chronicle.” You can catch All our tweets at Twitter! don’t forget to check out our MBB RADIO Facebook page. Become a friend of the show! We would love to have you with us. go to our Archive page to download mp3, Apple itunes, or zune versions of all of our shows!


My Buddy Butch Show 9-10-2011


apollo18With the movie Apollo 18 opening last week Jeff was excited to have Stanton Friedman on the show to talk about UFO’s and the movie. EVERYONE who has watched almost any show on TV regarding UFO research knows who nuclear physicist Stan Friedman is. He was actually the only civilian researcher called in to investigate the Roswell incident. Very interesting man and discussion. Ellen Taylor of the Chesapeakechesapeakehumane Humane Society joins Jeff for the rescue of the week segment to talk about how they came through the hurricane Irene storm and what they and surrounding communities have to deal with afterward. News & Announcements…ever want to see your pet talk? There is a new web site that will allow you to do just that!

Dave Vigil, President of Snaptracs, Inc. in California,  joins Jeff to talk about a new GPS tracking device taggcalled TAGG that can not only keep track of your pet on-line and on the Web but it can also text or email you to let you know that your pet has gone outside the designated area that YOU define. Sounds like a great product that Butch needs to test out and review! Part 2 of the interview with Stan Friedman about the movie Apollo 18 and the conspiricy theory surrounding it. News and announcements PETco and CSI:Miami are teaming up to help supply guide dogs to the blind …a couple minutes of reflection on 9/11.