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Show #73 – Wayne Ferguson of the Morris & Essex Kennel Club, Animal Planet’s Joel Silverman on the Killer Whale Incident at Sea World – Jason Bailey of Red Moon Pet Foods on “Build Your Own” – Nicole Forsyth CEO of United Animal Nations – Dr. Patrick Mahaney on the Pet Store Ban in West Hollywood.

This historical show happens only every 5 years! Don't miss it!

Mr. Wayne Ferguson has been involved with dog shows for over 40 years. It would be difficult to find someone that knows more than he does about the stucture of a dog show and even dogs themselves. Wayne Fergusen is the President [...]

Show #57 – Edward Grinnan Editor-In-Chief of Guideposts Magazine – Geauga Humane Society – National Dog Show Update – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic!


Edward Grinnan Editor-in-Chief and VP of Guideposts (with Millie!)

Guideposts Magazine has been around longer than I have been alive and is an American Staple. I can remember seeing Guideposts sitting on the counter while growing up or on a table at my grandparents house! It was an honor to speak with [...]

Show #54 – Dr. Dawn Marcus, MD on “Fit As Fido,” Anne-Mary McGrath on Dog Parks and Dog Fest in Springfield MO., My Buddy Butch Released as EBook!

Let your dog be your personal health trainer!

I have to admit when I first saw another health book with a dog on the cover I thought, Ok…another “It’s great to jog or walk with your dog” book. As I began to read through some of the pages and learned more about Dr. Dawn Marcus [...]

Show #48 – Animal Planet’s Joel Silverman of Good Dog U – World Traveler Helen Fazio and Raja Talk Recipes – Dr. Donna Spector on a Balanced Diet for Your Pet!


Host of Animal Planet's "Good Dog U"

“There are more astronauts in the world than there are trainers with Joel Silverman’s experience!” This was the quote of the show and it’s true! Don’t think so? How many animal trainers do you know that have trained a killer whale? Well, I now know one [...]

Show #46 – Pet Socialite Charlotte Reed from New York City – Airedale Rescue of Florida – Dr. Donna Spector on Annual Shots for your Dog!



Pet Expert Charlotte Reed

As I began my journey last year of having the book released and starting the radio show, I had no idea of the things I would be doing or the people I would be meeting. In the first few years of having Butch I had met so [...]