Hour 1 – Pamela Keogh is a NY Times Best Selling Author and she joins Jeff to talk about her new book “Are you a Jackie or a Marilyn?” Talking of course about the famous Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Kennedy. Pamela relays to women in this book the research that she has done [...]
Hour 1-National Geographic is introducing a new web site for kids and reptile expert and host of NatGeo Wild’s “Dangerous Encounters” Brady Barr joins Jeff to talk about it. A fun site for kids, which is a great idea to keep them busy over the holidays, there are hours of fun that can [...]
Hour 1 – We are heading into “Televised” Dog Show season in November and to kick things off Jeff talks with David Frei who is the well known voice of the National Dog Show Presented by Purina on Thanksgiving Day on NBC right after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parage. David is also the host [...]
Hour 1: This week Jeff goes a bit off the beaten path to talk about a subject that we may not think about often but may be showing up in your town or city in the near future. Nuclear Power! Think you can fit a Nuclear power plant in your city? [...]
This week – Hour 1: Rocket City Rednecks is a new show on National Geographic Channel about an unlikely cast of good southern folks from Huntsville Alabama. These are not just any good southern folks, these guys are very highly educated individuals that just happen to be Phds in Physics, Engineers, and highly [...]