As this Site will always be growing and evolving my dad Jeff and me will try to answer your emails as fast as we can. Please be patient because my paws cannnot hit the keys veryyy welll and I have tooo gittt Jeeff to help me emaiil yoo. If you have a question weee'll get back to you as soooon as possible! Thanks!
IIf you are a member of the media or a retail outlet looking for more specific contact information for purchasing please go to our MEDIA CONTACT PAGE for more details.
Thanks for your interest in MY BUDDY BUTCH!
We will also have a section where you can send in pics of your best friend!
We will be adding a section on "Pet Friendly" places to go also. Fun activities, day trips, Dog Show schedules along with other dog events like agility, conformation, and Rally shows also!
With some help from my good friends and trainers we will have some helpful hints and tips on training also! Butch has passed the CGC test and maybe your dog can too!
If you have any suggestions on how to make this site better, please feel free to send them in. I will always be striving to make this the most informative and helpful site that I can. Bye for now! Jeff and Butch!